On this page, we have compiled the complete list of short tricks and formula for CSAT questions related to Profit and Loss.
Basic Formulae related to Profit (Gain) and Loss
If the selling price (SP) > cost price (CP), then following formulae are applicable:
$$Profit = SP - CP$$
$$SP = CP + Profit$$
$$CP = SP - Profit$$
If Cost Price > Selling Price, then following formulae are applicable:
$$Loss = CP - SP$$
$$SP = CP - Loss$$
$$CP = SP + Loss$$
Important Formulae related to Profit and Loss
$$\text{Profit %} = \frac{profit \times 100}{\text{cost price}}$$
$$\text{Loss %} = \frac{loss \times 100}{\text{cost price}}$$
$$SP = CP \left(1 + \frac{\text{profit %}}{100}\right)$$
$$\therefore CP = \frac{SP}{\left(1 + \frac{\text{gain rate}}{100}\right)}$$
Now, if CP was Rs.1:
$$SP = \left(1 + \frac{\text{gain rate}}{100}\right)$$
$$SP = CP \left(1 - \frac{\text{loss %}}{100}\right)$$
$$\therefore CP = \frac{SP}{\left(1 - \frac{\text{loss rate}}{100}\right)}$$
Now, if CP was Rs.1:
$$SP = \left(1 - \frac{\text{loss rate}}{100}\right)$$
Discount related formulae
$$\text{discount} = \text{marked price} - \text{selling price}$$
$$\text{selling price} = \text{marked price} - \text{discount}$$
$$\text{marked price} = \text{selling price} + \text{discount}$$
$$\text{discount} = \frac{\text{marked price} \times \text{rate of discount}}{100}$$
$$\text{rate of discount} = \frac{\text{discount rate} \times 100}{\text{marked price}}$$
$$\text{marked price} = \frac{\text{discount} \times 100}{\text{rate of discount}}$$
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